Hand Sanitizer Dispenser Placement Height

Universal use the provided empty recipients can be filled with any hand sanitizer and you can use your own bottle type through the adjustable height control feature.
Hand sanitizer dispenser placement height. Hygienic 2 without any risk of contamination. By placing hand sanitizer in strategic locations throughout the facility you can encourage employees to improve their hand hygiene and create a healthier indoor environment. Diaper changing stations 5. Key locations for hand sanitizer.
Ideally placement is similar throughout institution so activating the dispenser becomes automatic action upon entering or leaving patient environment. With sales expected to remain strong jan san distributors need to know the ideal places to install hand sanitizer dispensers. 2 alcohol based hand. Each year between 1 and 3 million residents of nursing homes or skilled nursing facilities develop healthcare acquired infections and as many as 380 000 people die of these infections.
With its simple modular design our hand sanitizer dispenser stand will keep your sanitizer easily accessible throughout any facility. Hand hygiene is a critically important prevention measure in all healthcare settings. Ada soap dispensers compliance 4 27 4 soap dispenser push button valve and pistons shall be operable with one hand and require no tight grasping pinching or twisting of the wrist. Never place alcohol hand rub dispensers behind doors equipment or curtains or under counter tops.
Meter slot 4 to check the level of sanitizer in the sanitizer recipient. Feminine napkin disposal 7. The best way to remind employees to use hand sanitizer is by making it easily accessible and always placing it within sight. Toilet paper dispenser 8.
One notable manufacturer of hand sanitizer also reported a 24 percent increase in sales in 2009. There should be no obstruction to the hcw accessing the dispenser. Just push the pedal 1 and you are safe. Encourage healthy habits and turn any pole into a sanitation station with this hand sanitizer dispenser.
Easy replace with anti theft screws 3 in one minute. Toilet seat cover dispenser 6. This bracket attachment for hand sanitizer tightly mounts to the pole and encourages guests to clean their hands. Compliant ada dispenser heights and locations.
Hand dryer of paper towel dispenser 3. Example of compliant heights to highest operable parts. To be sure the availability of hand sanitizer should be predicated on ease of use such as. Reach range for walls where there is nothing on the floor to obstruct access to the hand sanitizer dispenser it needs to be no higher than 48 inches from the floor and not lower than 15 inches.
1 among hospitalized patients on any given day about 1 in 31 has an healthcare associated infection.