Do Not Dispense With Meaning

Release or exempt not to be confused with.
Do not dispense with meaning. To give out things especially products services or amounts of money. Dispense distribute in portions or parts. To give or deal out especially in parts or portions. Dispel dis pense dĭ spĕns v.
Dispense definition to deal out. To give or deal out especially in parts or portions. To fill a medical prescription. How to use dispense in a sentence.
Dispense with synonyms dispense with pronunciation dispense with translation english dictionary definition of dispense with. Dis pensed dis pens ing dis pens es v tr. A machine that dispenses candy. Meaning pronunciation translations and examples.
We will dispense with the rule relating to time for bringing the application but refuse special leave in our view it is not a case where the court should make an order dispensing with compliance with order 69a rule 3 ord 52 rule 4 allows the court to dispense with service of the notice of motion if it thinks it just so to do. Definitions by the largest idiom dictionary. Definition of dispense with in the idioms dictionary. Dis pensed dis pensing dis penses v tr.
You re still not allowed to borrow my car saturday night and you can dispense with the attitude. Disburse pay out. A machine that. Dis pensed dis pens ing dis pens es v.
Dis pense dis pens to give out medicine and other necessities to the sick. Dispense dis pens to count label and disburse multiple doses of medications to a patient. What does dispense with expression mean. Spend disperse scatter.
Dispense definition is to divide and share out according to a plan. To deal out in portions.