Dispenser Definition In Law

Chapter i food and drug administration department of health and human services.
Dispenser definition in law. Dispenser definition is one that dispenses. The screen of the cash dispenser displays the ironic message we apologise for the inconvenience but this machine does not dispense cash at the moment banks estimate that only 85 of atm machines will be dispensing cash by the end of january 1. How to use dispenser in a sentence. Release or exempt not to be confused with.
One that dispenses or gives out especially a machine or container that allows the contents to be removed and used in convenient or prescribed amounts. In the united states no power exists except in the legislature to dispense with law and then it is not so much a dispensation as a change of the law. To give or deal out especially in parts or portions. Pursuant to 21 cfr 208 3 a title 21 food and drugs.
Dispel dis pense dĭ spĕns v. Dis pensed dis pens ing dis pens es v tr. Documentation for dispenser labeling purposes the retailer shall be provided at the time of delivery of the fuel with a declaration of the volume percent. Retail dispenser labeling all retail dispensing devices must identify conspicuously the type of product the particular grade of the product and the applicable automotive fuel rating.
Disburse pay out. A machine that dispenses candy. Subpart a general provisions authorized dispenser means an individual licensed registered or otherwise permitted by the jurisdiction in which the individual practices. Dispenser synonyms dispenser pronunciation dispenser translation english dictionary definition of dispenser.
Dispense in law topic from longman dictionary of contemporary english dispense di spense dɪˈspens verb transitive formal 1 give to give something to people especially in fixed amounts syn give out dispense something to somebody villagers dispensed tea to visitors. Part 208 medication guides for prescription drug products. A relaxation of law for the benefit or advantage of an individual. Dispensing definition to deal out.
Spend disperse scatter.