Dispense With The Pleasantries Meaning

And so they tell the other side to dispense with the pleasantries and get down to business right away.
Dispense with the pleasantries meaning. Definition of dispense with in the idioms dictionary. Dispense with formalities phrase. In pyramids pteppic keeps asking dios to say something without prefacing it with all of his titles which are. A polite and often slightly humorous remark usually made to help other people feel relaxed.
In the count of monte cristo this is a typical trait of the baron danglars s conversations. They want to get straight to the point and won t let flattery or small talk distract or even delay them. Dispense with synonyms dispense with pronunciation dispense with translation english dictionary definition of dispense with. To prepare and give.
Dispense with the formalities to not do things usually done in a social situation in order to do something more important immediately. Inverted by agatha christie in the pale horse where mr. Synonym discussion of dispense. Dispense definition is to divide and share out according to a plan.
Often overlaps with don t call me sir. To give out things especially products services or amounts of money. The other side however will have none of it. To deal out in portions.
He s a very strict man with little tolerance for small talk. Definitions by the largest idiom dictionary. Definition of dispense with formalities in the idioms dictionary. Definitions by the largest idiom dictionary.
I think we all know each other so we can dispense with the formalities. Dispense definition to deal out. How to use dispense in a sentence. Bradley is shocked at mark easterbrook dispensing with the pleasantries.