Dispensary Meaning And Sentence

The commission resisted the suit on the ground that as a court and as a representative of the state it could not be sued.
Dispensary meaning and sentence. Ries a room or place as in a school summer camp or factory where medicines and first aid treatment are availableorigin of dispensaryfrom medieval latin dispensarius one who dispenses steward. A dispensary is a place for example in a hospital where medicines are prepared and. But in april 1909 this famous cause was closed by the decision of the. Meaning pronunciation translations and examples.
Dispensary definition is a place where medicine or medical or dental treatment is dispensed. A dispensary room featured all the tablets and medicines which were once doled out to sheep horses dogs and cats four hospitals were built at conveniently spaced distances along the road and equipped with dispensaries operating rooms wards kitchens and quarters for staff. You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of dispensary. Dispensary definition a place where something is dispensed especially medicines.
A place where medicines are prepared and given out often in a hospital 2. The page not only provides urdu meaning of dispensary but also gives extensive definition in english language. The definition of dispensary is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. We have our own dental surgery physio department dispensary x ray unit.
He bought some pills from the dispensary. Dispensary meaning and example sentences with dispensary. Two companies brought suit for moneys owed for liquor sold to the state dispensary.